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Reporting 'Water Crisis' and SDGs

Artists' notes

7 Nov 24 : Inauguration & Keynote address


  • Importance of ethical, inclusive reporting on water and environmental issues.

  • Addressing inequities in water access (gender, caste, class) and impacts of climate change.

  • Water privatisation is rising; 14% of global water owned by 4 companies.

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Keynote Address:

P. SAINATH | People's Archive of Rural India (PARI)

  • Six Water Transfers:

    • 1. From poor to rich

    • 2. Rural to urban

    • 3. Agriculture to industry

    • 4. Food crop to cash crop since 1991

    • 5. Livelihoods to lifestyle

    • 6. Local markets to national and to international through trade – virtual water exports

  • Urban-rural water disparities: Cities consume water from villages; rural areas lack access.

  • Virtual water exports: Unsustainable water use in agriculture (e.g., paddy, sugarcane).

  • The 2 greatest crops in the world are hunger and thirst and corporations harvest these crops every year

  • Proposed Solutions

  • Recognize water as a fundamental right.

  • Ban privatization, prioritize dryland agriculture, and rethink urban planning.

  • Draw from community models (e.g., Kudumbashree women farmers in Kerala).


  • Focus on justice in water access, climate resilience, and sustainable practices.

©2024 AQUAMUSE Project with Science Media Centre and Centre for Water Research at IISER Pune

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